AABE Advocacy Day
(Members-Only) with Welcome Reception
Capitol Visitors Center
First St SE
Washington, DC 20515
Summit Day with EPS Reception
Edison Electric Institute
701 Penn. Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20004
AABE Advocacy Day Sponsor
AABE Advocacy Day This sponsorship will offer exclusive access to the 2023 Members-only Capitol Hill Day as part of the 2024 Energy Policy Summit. AABE leadership and members will gather in the Capitol Visitors Center (CVC) for a day of congressional advocacy and will conclude with a closed reception.
Remarks from executive level leadership during AABE Capitol Hill Day
Special participation in evening reception including presentation from the federal affairs team or executive leadership at the evening reception
Photos with AABE Leadership
Corporate logo on lanyards
Two (2) non-profit guest Summit registrations ($1,000 value)
Up to three digital features on Summit website (For example, a 500-1,500-word article, a 1-page advertisement, or up to 2:00 minute video)
Professional photos of the Advocacy Day activities
Gold Sponsor
Corporate branding on Summit website, program signage, National AABE social platforms and one (1) Summit attendee bag item
Five (5) registrations for Summit and Holiday Reception ($2,500 value)
Up to three (3) digital features on Summit website (For example, a 500-1,500-word article, a 1-page advertisement, or 2:00 minute (or less) video)
Professional photo package and transcripts of select panel discussions
Digital Sponsor
(Exclusively for 501 (c)3 organizations)
Two digital features on Summit website (For example, a 500-1,500-word article or a 1-page advertisement or 2:00 minute (or less) video)
EPS Reception Host
This sponsorship will allow multiple supporters of AABE to join the attendees for an evening of festive fellowship. AABE will honor energy industry titans who have dedicated their work to AABE’s longstanding mission.
Opportunity to join LIPP Chairman Simon in offering AABE Awards to energy industry leaders
Special remarks or presentation during the evening reception
Corporate signage throughout the reception
Two (2) non-profit guest Summit registrations ($2,500 value)
One digital feature on Summit website (For example, a 500-1,500-word article, a 1-page advertisement, or up to 2:00 minute video)
Professional photos of the Reception activities
Silver Sponsor
Corporate branding on Summit website, program signage, National AABE social platforms and one (1) Summit attendee bag item
Three (3) registrations for Summit and Holiday Reception ($2,000 value)
Up to two (2) digital features on Summit website (For example, a 500-1,500-word article, a 1-page advertisement, or 2:00 minute (or less) video)
Diamond Sponsor
Special thanks from President Ralph Cleveland in opening remarks at the Summit
Special remarks at the Holiday Reception and acknowledgement of special guests
Corporate branding on Summit website, program signage, National AABE social platforms and one (1) Summit attendee bag item
Six (6) registrations for Summit and Holiday Reception ($3,000 value)
Up to four (4) digital features on Summit website (For example, a 500-1,500-word article, a 1-page advertisement, or 2:00 minute (or less) video)
Professional photo package and transcripts of select panel discussions
Bronze Sponsor
Corporate branding on Summit website, program signage and National AABE social platforms
Three (3) registrations for Summit and Holiday Reception ($1,000 value)
One (1) digital feature on Summit website (For example, a 500-1,500-word article, a 1-page advertisement, or 2:00 minute (or less) video)
Hotel Accommodations
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